# Create the License.env file in /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/ # These point to the licence server address.Įcho "SERVER $SERVERADDRESS 0" > /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.licĮcho "USE_SERVER" > /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.licĮcho "SERVER $SERVERADDRESS 0" > /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.licĮcho "USE_SERVER" > /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.licĬhmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Maya2015.licĬhmod 744 /private/var/flexlm/Mudbox2015.lic # Create the Maya2015.lic and Mudbox2015.lic files in /private/var/flexlm #installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Suite Exclusives 2015.app/Contents/Resources/Turtle/MayaTurtlePlugIn2015.0.pkg -target / #installer -verboseR -pkg /Install mentalraysatellite 3.11.1.app/Contents/Resources/mrsat/mrsat3.11.1.mpkg -target /
(I commented these out because I don't have them at the moment)
#Autodesk sign in module error maya 2017 install
# Now install mentalray satellite and the Suite Exclusives. Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Mudbox 2015.app/Contents/Resources/Mudbox/Mudbox2015.mpkg -target / # That should be it for Maya, let's install Mudbox 2015. Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/MentalRayPlugIn/mentalrayForMaya2015.0.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/DirectConnect/AutodeskDirectConnect9.0.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/DirectConnect/ADC_docs9.0.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/Maya/Maya_quicktime_components.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/Maya/Maya_AdLMconf2015.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/Maya/Fcheck_app2015.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/Maya/Maya_dev2015.pkg -target / Installer -verboseR -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/Maya/Maya_core2015.pkg -target / Installer -pkg /Install Maya 2015.app/Contents/Packages/ADLM/AdLM_standalone.mpkg -target / # This assumes all the installers supplied by Autodesk have been installed to the root directory # Author : Version : 1.0 - 8-4-2015 - Initial Version # Postflight script to install Maya and Mudbox 2015 and point it to a licence server This command works.Īdlmreg -i N 498G1 793G1 2015.0.0.F $MUDBOX-SERIAL /Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/PIT/2015/MudboxConfig.pit